Purchase Management
End-to-End control of purchase workflows

- Supports procurement of raw material, finished goods or services
- Visibility and control of the entire purchase life cycle
- Provide insight into cash flow and financial commitment

Complex BOM's
- Manage complex BOM's for the business with the built-in mechanism in Versa Cloud ERP

PO Planner
- Built in PO planner
- Considers factors already in the system to help plan purchasing: quantity on back-ordered, sales orders, minimal stock levels, and quantity on back order
- Can instruct PO planner on what factors to consider
Inventoried View
Versa provides an in-depth view for all products making it easy to manage complex BOM's.
This also lists the inventory available at various locations enabling business to plan the purchases and maintain optimal levels at all times.

PO Planner
An intelligent system, Versa PO planner assesses and allows you to determine your purchasing needs based on factors such as quantity set for back orders, minimal stocking levels, quantities allocated to work order, etc. This enables automating the purchasing pattern for the entities, with factors that make sense to your business.
Versa is a versatile system that allows business to automate their workflow. One such automation is demonstrated with the Purchase order workflow, which automatically updates the inventory as a PO is posted and created a bill/receipt, so if you have 1 vendor or 100 Versa has got your business needs covered.